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One night, I confronted a dream. 



I awoke it from its dark hiding place and said “Hey. So, it’s time we talked”. I put away the confusion it caused me and the guilt it infested upon others around me.



Despite the pain in the truth of letting something go...


I chose rest to think more clearly again.

I chose peace to breathe.

I chose forgiveness to let my heart feel full.

I chose trust to let others back in.



I asked for the stone that sat in my heart to be melted. 



I let go of the “what if” questions that taunted me.

I let go of selfishness to see the world.

I let go of pride to feel others pain and not my own.



I put that haunting dream to rest that night; once and for all.



I sealed it in an envelope with no return address and sent it off with the saltiest tears from the bluest of seas that my heart swam in for years. I cried because I knew it was the last time we’d dance to the rhythm of longing. The last time our lips would touch. The last time we’d inhale one another’s breath. 



And with that, it was gone

And I awoke light hearted. 





I set my dream free, and in return it set me free.



I chose to trust its goodness. Its peace. To believe in it. 

To let it live its own life, and for me to live mine.

That maybe it would reach another at just the right time and bring life to them, like it had once brought me.

And then once again, drift to sea.



My dream, I let it go. 

You, my dream,


are free. 
